A little thing that is more relaxing than “20 minutes in the park” at 0 cost! You will be happy immediately after doing it–Fast Technology–Technology changes the future

“20 minutes in the park” is definitely the most popular psychological therapy this year. Sitting on a bench in the park, enjoying the breeze, reading a book, and temporarily forgetting the fatigue of life. But for working people, such a short enjoyment is sometimes not so easy to get.

Today, I would like to recommend to you a simpler and more direct method of relaxing the body and mind. It does not require a specific place, does not require additional equipment, and does not take up any free time. As long as there is a window, you can achieve the goal of “sitting at your workstation with your mind floating in the sky.”The method of relaxing your body and mind is to look up at the sky.


Whether it is the blue sky, white clouds, or the occasional flying birds, they can bring you a sense of tranquility and breadth, and quickly pull you away from your intense work.

The ever-changing sky can accommodate emotions

Many studies have confirmed that contact with natural environments and open views have significant positive effects on mental health.These effects include, but are not limited to, reduced anxiety levels and significantly improved mood and euphoria.

Although we look up at the same sky, each of us sees a unique world of our own, because each person's inner experience and perception is unique. Even the same person will perceive the sky differently at different times and in different moods. Sometimes you will see the sky showing a variety of colors, and sometimes it appears peaceful and profound. These different feelings are often accompanied by a new understanding of life and a deep touch of the soul.


The sky is such a rich experience because it is a unity of contradiction and harmony. It combines dynamic clouds and static blue sky, embodies the contrast between the universe and the individual, and shows the cycle of change and constancy. This complex and diverse characteristic allows the sky to perfectly accommodate and fit the mood and feelings of each of us at different times.

No matter when and where, no matter whether the sky is clear or cloudy, it accepts us unconditionally and gives us deep comfort and tranquility. This acceptance allows us to find a moment of peace in the noisy world, and also allows us to find resonance and strength deep in our hearts. The sky is no longer just a landscape, but an endless flow of emotions in my heart.

Looking up at the sky inspires awe

Awe is a powerful emotional experience that naturally arises when we are faced with something that is vast, vast, and beyond our current understanding, whether it is a natural wonder, a masterpiece of art, or an extraordinary human behavior. This emotion not only gives us a new perspective on the world, but also is a positive force for self-transcendence, allowing us to appreciate and cherish every moment around us with a more joyful mood.

When we look up at the sky, the vast universe, the starry night sky, and the magnificent sunrise and sunset appear before our eyes. These visual feasts that go beyond our daily experience and understanding can easily trigger a sense of awe deep in our hearts.

Research shows that awe has many positive effects on individuals. First,It can significantly extend an individual's perception of time, allowing us to feel the extension of time.thus cherishing and enjoying every moment of life. The socioemotional selectivity theory (SST) further points out that when individuals feel that they have more time, they are more motivated to pursue new knowledge and learn new skills.

Secondly,Awe can also increase prosocial behaviormaking us more concerned about others and actively creating a harmonious social atmosphere. In addition, it can promote spiritual pursuits and inspire our inner motivation to pursue higher realms. On a psychological level, awe can reduce self-consciousness, help us break free from the shackles of self-centeredness, and see the world from a more objective and comprehensive perspective. At the same time, it can also promote in-depth processing of information and enhance our cognitive ability and creativity.

A little thing that can relieve stress more than

Follow the blue sky into the world of “Daydream”

The simplicity of the sky can reduce the load on the brain to process information, pull us out of the complicated world, empty our minds, and make it easier for the brain to enter a resting state.thereby activating the brain's default mode network and following the blue sky into the world of “daydreaming”.

The default mode network is a large-scale brain network that is particularly active when the brain is in a resting state of wakefulness. This network will quietly start when we are not focusing on any specific task or our thoughts are drifting away, such as lying in bed preparing to fall asleep, being distracted in a meeting, or doing daily chores such as washing dishes and taking a shower. It allows our thoughts to wander freely, and we can engage in psychological activities such as introspection, recollection, and planning. It is the source of our divergent thinking and innovation.

In the past, we have always emphasized the benefits of focusing and paying attention as the key to success. However, new research shows that“Inattention” is also a state that is crucial to health.It gives us the opportunity to withdraw from our busy lives, talk to our inner selves, and stimulate creativity and imagination. Therefore, while pursuing efficiency and concentration, we should also learn to enjoy this “non-concentrated” state so that our brains can get enough rest and recovery.

In our busy lives, we always need to find a way to relax. Next time, when you are rushing between work and home, why not take a minute or two to stop and look up at the sky above your head? It may inspire your inner creativity and inspiration, and bring us unexpected gains.


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