“A beautiful death” – A star of The Acolyte looks back on his shocking exit from the series

In the fifth episode, the mysterious

In the fifth episode, the mysterious “Master” is unmasked. Image source: Disney+/Lucasfilm


The fifth episode of The Acolyte brought some surprises. Not only does the mysterious “master” reveal himself to be a Sith – numerous Jedi also fall victim to him. We'll show you how some of the actors reacted to their deaths in the series.

From this point on, be warned of serious story spoilers! If you haven't seen episode 5 of The Acolyte yet and don't want to miss out on the surprise, then you'd better come back to this article at a later date.

Let’s get down to business!


The Acolyte: The new trailer for the Star Wars series shows a villain like from a horror film
The Acolyte: The new trailer for the Star Wars series shows a villain like from a horror film

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The Acolyte: The new trailer for the Star Wars series shows a villain like from a horror film

What happened?

The fifth episode of The Acolyte is quite a slaughter. Among the “Master’s” victims are Jecki Lon (played by Dafne Keen) and Yord Fandar (Charlie Barnett).

Both Jedis are absolute fan favorites – accordingly, fans on social networks mostly reacted with shock or anger, as you can read here:

How the actors react

The two actors reacted in complete contrast. Dafne Kenn and Charlie Barnett spoke in interviews with EntertainmentWeekly and the Sci-Fi&Fantasy-Gazettehow they took the death of their characters with humor.

The two were already informed of their deaths in the series when they accepted the roles, says Keen. And he continues:

That was the first thing she [Showrunnerin Leslye Headland] said to me when we met. She said, “You could play an alien, and you die pretty early,” and I said, “I'm in! I love playing dead people!

For Barnett, it was even an advantage to know about his character’s death:

If it [der Serientod] is a surprise to you and your job is gone next week, then that's bad. But when you know what you're getting into, you have a little more control over it. And I tried to make the best of the situation.

On set, Keen and Barnett often joked about their impending fate and made appropriate comments:

Whenever we were on set and someone complained, Charlie and I would say, 'Quiet, we're going to die in two weeks!

When the time came, it was a little difficult for Barnett at least. He refused to watch the death scene of Keen's character. Nevertheless, the actor said in the interview with the Sci-Fi&Fantasy Gazette:

It was a beautiful death. It was luxurious.

Keen, on the other hand, had a lot of fun playing the death scene. Especially since it is Jecki Lon, whom she plays, who unmasks the Sith Lord. That was something “really exciting.”

The positive attitude and relaxed interaction of the two actors may help some fans to better process the events of the fifth episode of The Acolyte. There are still three episodes left of the current season.

It is currently unknown whether the Star Wars series will get a second season. Showrunner Leslye Headland has already hinted that she definitely developed the story with several seasons in mind.

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