5 New Features to Remember: Palworld’s Largest Update Yet

Palworld, an early 2024 phenomenon, has received its biggest update since its launch. Entitled Sakurajima, it notably introduces a new island and new creatures, among other major new features.

The year 2024 started with the birth of a real phenomenon: Palworld, Cynical Pokémon pastiche mixed with survival-oriented gameplay. No one expected such success, and the title experienced quite incredible traffic peaks on Steam (more than 2 million players). We thought that the bellows would fall again but, on this Thursday, June 27, Palworld receives its biggest update since its Early Access release.


Available on Xbox consoles and PC, this update has a name: Sakurajima. It is based on a fairly long list of changes, some of which have been mentioned from the start by the PocketPair studio. Here are the ones that are most likely to please fans of Palworldwhich has seen its attendance drop in recent weeks and therefore needs a little boost.

The 5 changes to remember from the big Palworld patch

A new island

This is undoubtedly the main novelty of this big summer update of Palworld : the addition of a new island, called Sakurajima and inspired by Japan. The tower built there is controlled by a new faction (the “Moonflowers”) and we will have to fight it to free the place. Who says new environments, says new Pals to discover and capture: the best argument for wanting to explore Sakurajima.

Big update for Palworld // Source: PocketPair
Big update for Palworld // Source: PocketPair

Competitive multiplayer

Palworld finally offers clashes between Pal trainers. An arena appears in the desert to allow competitors to fight with their team of Pals. A gameplay novelty that will bring them even closer Palworld of Pokémon. Because, let’s remember, we collect badges by triumphing in arenas…

A unique resource

An oil rig controlled by the Rayne Syndicate has appeared in the ocean! Cooperate with your friends to defeat powerful enemies and collect valuable resources like oil », Announces PocketPair. Oil can be harvested to craft a new material, which will be useful for developing ever more powerful equipment (including capture spheres).


Challenge, more challenge

The update intends to bring a challenge to the most experienced aficionados. For example, they will be able to come up against Blazamut Ruy, the most powerful dragon-type Pal in the game (via a raid). The Towers also offer a difficult mode, to confront the ultimate version of each of the guardians. Fortunately, we can now climb to level 55 and benefit from more bonuses when we capture the same Pal several times (from 10 to 12) or activate effigies (from 10 to 12). Note also the possibility of increasing your statistics by drinking special remedies.

Big update for Palworld // Source: PocketPairBig update for Palworld // Source: PocketPair
Big update for Palworld // Source: PocketPair

New constructions

Of course, the developers also thought about integrating new weapons, new buildings and new cosmetic items. Jumble:

  • Laser rifle;
  • Flame thrower ;
  • Gatling gun;
  • Grenade launcher ;
  • Homing missile launcher;
  • Meteor launcher;
  • Cold food box;
  • Sulfur and oil mines;
  • Pal disassembly unit.

In terms of gameplay, PocketPair mainly focused on the construction system, which is more intuitive and fluid according to its statements. There are also new assembly possibilities to refine your installations.

For further
Palworld // Source: Capture XboxPalworld // Source: Capture Xbox
Palworld // Source: ScreenshotPalworld // Source: Screenshot

Everything you need to know about the Palworld video game phenomenon
