24th Anniversary of a Classic Dreamcast Game: New Images Leaked Online!

Culture news This flagship Dreamcast game will celebrate its 24th anniversary and images of the new opus in the series have just leaked onto the Internet! The fans are overjoyed.


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This cult Dreamcast game is celebrating its 24th anniversary and images of the next opus have just leaked, delighting fans. Sega promises a nostalgic return with a highly anticipated remake.


A return to basics

Last year, we learned with great surprise that SEGA was becoming nostalgic for the 2000s, but especially for its Dreamcast. During the Game Awards ceremony, it announced the return of several emblematic franchises to its console. Among them, we will find: Crazy Taxi, Shinobi, Golden Ax and Streets of Rage! For the moment, it is impossible to know when all these games will be released, because their stages of development are different. We also don't yet know which consoles they will arrive on. Nevertheless, these revivals are very promising on paper and could be accompanied by several other officializations if these first titles are a hit. In the meantime, it's uanother title from the Dreamcastteased by Sega, which reveals a little more to the delight of fans.

The rebellious spirit of SEGA

In the batch of games promised by SEGA, we also learned of the return of Jet Set Radio. Remember, the title plunged us into a gang war between young skaters who use graffiti to mark their territory and challenge their rivals in a stylized and futuristic version of Tokyo, called Tokyo-to. The title was marked by an electro atmosphere and anti-system themes that Sega surely wanted to see reborn when talking about bringing back the “rebellious spirit” of the studio. The game was entitled to a sequel, a port to Game Boy Advance, and even a remaster in 2012 on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and iOS, then on PC. It would now be a reboot that awaits us !

A few days ago, the leaker Neptune shared some images of Jet Set Radio Remake on In the comments, fans are delighted with this return. The leaker for his part warns: it's normal if the images are a little ugly. “Note thatThis is an old Dev Build so the game is still in development, so don't panic… it's like the 2022 leaks with Grand Theft Auto VI. », reassures Neptune.

This has not stopped some people from being very critical of this not yet finished product. “The character models are obviously finished. […] This is what they will look like in the final game. Soullessand lacking the original artistic style. », Complains a user, whose opinion is not unanimous. In any case, it is still too early to judge, because as explained previously, we don't even know when Jet Set Radio will be released. The developers have not even communicated specifically about possible modifications or additions compared to the original edition. However, according to leaker Midori, the story should be rewritten and will introduce new characters. At the same time, another Internet user reminds us that it has already been 22 years since Jet Set Radio Future arrived on the Xbox. His return would not be refused…

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